Senin, 15 Maret 2010

i dont know what to do

jakarta yang panas + first day of haid = not a very good match.

sumpah, panas banget. gue yang sudah berpakaian minim di kamar dengan AC tanpa selimut masi keringetan.

hari ini peengen BTA. apa gue naek taxi aja ya? males bener sumpah naek angkot. panasnya berlebihan nih.

buat nulis beginian aja malesssss banget.

hhhhh, pengen tulis sih, walo bgg mau nulis apa..

well let's be a melancholy for this section of the post :

hari ini saungguh amat sangat tidak puas. gue bener2 brubah. paraaaahhh banget. im sad.
im super sad that i hate myself and i really dont know what to do anymore.

i think i've found the rightful one. and i think i am amused a lot since the person appear in my life. but i still feel sorry for myself.

i dont know what to do..........................

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